How would you rate the season so far?
10/10. It's been a great senior season.
How did you get involved in the sport?
I joined the team in 7th grade because I had a high score on the pacer test and I was really skinny so everyone told me I should run.
What do you hope to achieve this weekend? Please describe/explain.
I'd like to compete for a state ring with my team one last time and set a positive example for my team mates who will still be in high school next year.
What is your training like this week?
Not too intense, we're simmering down and tapering to get ready and making sure no one gets injured.
What do you hope to do after the regular season?
I won't be running in college but I'd still like to maintain good health for the remainder of my life so I'm going to start going to the gym a couple of days a week and running on my own. I will also be focusing on preparing myself for the academic rigor of a college schedule.
Did you run into any challenges this summer?
Yes, I had to choose between coming to practice and participating in a competitive hospital internship.
What keeps you motivated?
My team. In the end, the team's success is my ultimate goal and if there's even one weak link in our team we can't win a meet.